Sunday, May 8, 2011

NewsLetter - May 8

Courtesy of Kriss Szkurlatowski

Let's Get Things Started

    I know it's been a while but I wanted to let you know about some exciting new things that have been happening in my life. God’s been doing so much in my life it's hard to know where to begin. I’ve been working as a Freelance Video Producer for the past couple of years but business has slowed in the past several months.  It’s given me the time to see how God has been preparing me for a new project.  I’m not sure if we ever talked about this, but I’ve always been interested in telling stories about what God is doing through missions around the world. About a year ago, I started playing with the idea of producing Videos in Africa that will engage the local US church in His work there. I began exploring the idea on the side and seeing what opportunities there were for me to do that.

Telling the story...

      Since February, that idea has formed into a reality.  Working with the mission organization World Venture, I’ve been able to plan a trip, really a 2 Year Project, to produce Mission Videos in the 15 different African Countries they are working in.  Specifically, I’m going to be traveling from country to country to tell the story of what God is doing through the missionaries and local churches; but also to visually explain the work that needs to be done.  I hope to show the opportunities that exist for people to be involved in that work. The big picture dream is that through these videos and by using social networking outlets that the people will be challenged by God's work and realize that they can be involved in it.  I believe that as we become engaged in mission work and service, that God will use each of us to impact change not only in the lives of those we serve but also in our own lives. That’s been my experience and I’m excited to be able to create this opportunity for you.  

Building a team...

The next step in making this Video Project happen is building a team and support network. That's you. Having a solid team to support me is key to the success of this project.  I would love to have you be part of it.  Right now I need people who will give both one time financial gifts as well as commit to giving on a monthly basis throughout the project. If you would like to do that please follow the links provided on the side column.  I am also building a network of prayer supporters, those committed to seriously, and consistently praying on my behalf.  Besides these two there are wide variety of other ways that you can be involved. In the coming months I'll be sending you more information about those opportunities. Regardless of how you choose to be involved I would love to connect with you face to face and share some of those opportunities with you as well as share more details about the project.  Please let me know if you'd like to get together and we can arrange a time to connect.  Thank you for your time and for considering how you can be part of this amazing opportunity.  I am exited to see what God will do through this. 

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